Saturday 9 February 2013

At Mungo's -2 (The operation)

"Come on, hurry! We should get started by now", exclaimed Oura to her fellow Healers.
"Yes, madam", replied her assistant.
She brought the super-sterile flask, poured some water out of her wand and mixed some disgusting burned-skin blackish coloured potion in the flask. She muttered a spell and a flame shot out of her wand. She hovered the flask over her heating wand and the potion started bubbling. Then, Wourach watched her with fascination as she crushed and added some Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans to it and then the fumes came out of the flask and the potion splurting out with it. An obnoxious smell filled the room. Wourach shrugged. But all the Healers looked as if it smelled like Pumpkin Juice. Then Oura took the potion and added some leaves of the Wincktrough plant, as Oura had once told him, to the potion. The leaves seemed to be rejecting their forceful entrance to that horrid, now purple colored, flask and teared up into two as soon as they touched the bubbling spluttering colloid.

She flicked her wand in complicated patterns Wourach could not follow and muttered some poetic incantations. Finally the potion stopped its itch and was reduced to a concentrated mass of its own. Oura then flicked her wand over the mass and it turned into a normal Muggle-like-Capsule.

"Take it immediately, 'Vander, it would go dry in precisely thirty seconds if not ingested", said Oura urgently.
Ollivander took it and with a trembling hand and swallowed it with his Coffee. Arthur Weasley had once introduced him to coffee for which he instantly developed a liking for.

And then, he did not move. Ollivander paralised on his bed.

"What has happened to him?"asked Wourach worriedly.
"Just temporary sleep to get him through the operation, now don't ask questions and remain patient. It's a risky and complicated procedure from this moment on, and I need complete focus. Anya, Wourach, stay here. Rest, go. You two wait outside the door with emergency supplies."
"Anya, I believe you remember what happens when the potion starts acting?"asked Oura.
"It travels through the body, goes to the brain, divides and spreads and settles in all folds of the brain," answered Oura.
"Great, then lets get started!" beamed Oura.
"Okay ma'am. Should I get 'The Sack'?"
"No the extension charm won't work, I thought I told you."
"Sorry ma'am, but you did not."
"Okay, then I told you now. It's not time to argue!Now get the Fullery."
"The Fullery? It hasn't been used in years! Do you think his knowledge is that vast?"
"Hurry! These are orders, no time for debate!"
She ran past her. With the help of the two healers waiting outside, the gigantic silvery white instrument shaped like a large gramophone was brought into scene.
"Anya, place your wand on his head and you know what to do."
The tip of her wand touched his head and slightly pricked it as if Ollivander had an oddly placed dimple.
"Obliviatus totalus!"
A white light spread in a circle of small radius around the tip of her wand on his head. After a few seconds, the light rippled.
"Wourach, quick."
He knew what to do well enough. Oura, Anya and Wourach had discussed, revised and recited the procedure through and through a hundred times. Then a few interns, despite getting a disapproval from Oura's side came in to join the discussions, to pursue their academic interests. Now they were standing outside the door as emergency healers team.
Wourach placed his wand and its tip made a slight click with Anya's wand.
He suddenly felt himself attached to the wand, as if some invisible force was crawling up his arm and binding him to his wand. Anya now removed her wand but the whitish light remained.
Oura tightly grasped Wourach's hand for she knew it was physically impossible, for even a grown up wizard to complete this transfer alone.
Anya placed her wand at the intersection of hands and directed her gaze towards Wourach and then Oura.
"Wourach, remember, focus. That's all and it's done."
He nodded, closing his eyes tightly. Nobody would've even concentrated this hard during their NEWTs.
Slowly warmth filled his whole body. Then he experienced a tingling feeling as if his wand had left his hand and entered his arm. But he also felt his arm gripped tightly to something.
"Now," Oura said to Wourach.
He put all his strength in imagining himself cutting the wand into small microscopic pieces and extracting the pieces of information he needed. Whenever he took out a piece it grew into a silvery-white strand as if it were ghost's hair.
After what seemed like a lifetime, he completed the task. But this could not be seen by anyone. It was all in his head. Then suddenly his eyes relaxed, though they were still closed. Now he heard a voice.
"Manville Marks Odysseus," someone cried.
Wourach felt like all his blood, his body was going into that hand, like he was going to concentrated like that capsule, but it was over in a moment. A second later he felt his eyes open involuntarily and saw nothing but flashing light hit his eyes. This was no heaven light, just Mungo's illumination. He felt the hand loosen its grip, his wand now free and dropping to the floor with a slight noise. Next he turned to see Anya and Oura, both standing pleased with themselves and proud of him. He saw behind both women the Gramophone-lookalike. He peeped into the hole. It looked like they had created a Pensieve, full of memories. Full of memories of his teacher.
Ollivander, he had forgotten about his health during the operation. He turned to look towards him. He still lay asleep.